

"Here, in fact, he displayed his most singular touch of genius, which was...well, touch itself. Each note of each filigree had its own character, and with little use of pedal, he offered almost (though hardly consciously) the kind of plucking from a harpsichord or spinet of that time."

"For the dizzying Alborada del gracioso, the verve, the brilliance was absolutely radiant. Radiant and transparent, picturesque and picaresqiue, wild but with the artistic perfection of wildness."

                            -Harry Rolnick, ConcertoNet

"His understanding intelligence, and his even, penetrating voicing mark him as a considerably more impressive and rewarding pianist than most."

                             -david moran, The Boston musical intelligencer


"Then one note of Ravel, not even a second one, and everything was reborn. From the start, a sound, a resonance, an abundance of colors, a quick-silvery mirroring that transfigures the instrument and brings you to the other side of the mirror. Ravel’s “Miroirs”, actually, which reveal an essence in him as well as in ourselves.  We were now ten years younger."

                             -Xavier flament, la libre (translated)